Professional Services
Achieving a proper resolution to a property insurance claim is not formulaic. There is not a correct form to fill out or a list of tasks to perform that will resolve all claims. The type of loss, structure involved, the governing insurance policy, the location of the loss, the needs of the insured are a few of the factors that come into play in formulating the best course to take to achieve the most effective conclusion.
Public Adjuster
The National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters defines licensed Public Adjusters as follows:
"Public Adjusters are professionals who are employed exclusively by a policyholder who has sustained an insured loss. They handle every detail of the claim, working closely with the insured to provide the most equitable and prompt settlement possible. A Public Adjuster inspects the loss site immediately, analyzes the damages, assembles claim support data, reviews the insured's coverage, determines current replacement costs and exclusively serves the client, not the insurance company."

Many insurance policies contain a settlement dispute mechanism which stipulates that either the insurance company or the insured has the right to demand an "Appraisal" if that party disagrees to the amount of the insured loss. The purpose of the Appraisal process is to offer both parties to the insurance contract a less expensive and more expedient alternative to going to court to reach a settlement. The Appraisal Panel is made up of three participants: the insurance company and the insured select an Appraiser for the process and a neutral Umpire is agreed upon by the Appraisers to serve as the final decision maker should the two Appraisers have differences they cannot resolve.
Guardian Adjusters, Inc. has extensive experience representing the insured in the Appraisal process. Our principal, Mark Beaton has participated in numerous Appraisals on behalf of the insured over the course of his career.
We find the Appraisal process, properly utilized, can be a very effective means to properly conclude complex insurance claims.
Mediation is another form of alternative dispute resolution that may be used instead of taking a matter to the judicial system or Appraisal for settlement. Mediation is a non-binding and confidential forum wherein participants can work to improve their understanding of each other's position and, with the assistance of a neutral mediator, attempt to work out an equitable settlement. The mediator does not impose any decision on the parties in disagreement, but rather helps the parties to reach an agreement which is mutually acceptable.

Expert Damage Valuation
Over the past twenty-five years, we have been on the ground working to assess the value of property owners' losses following many of the worst natural and man-made disasters this country has seen. We have been called upon to value the loss to real property, personal property both commercial and residential. Our extensive experience in large commercial losses allows us to hit the ground running when we are asked to evaluate damages. Our network of specialists and experts is ready to assist with the specific circumstances that surround the claim so that documentation and substantiation proceeds without unnecessary delay.